Vigour.Media Earns Prestigious Recognition as a World Sleep Day Delegate

In a significant stride towards prioritising global health and wellness, Vigour.Media is thrilled to announce its recent approval as a World Sleep Day Delegate. This recognition not only underscores our commitment to enhancing public awareness about the critical role of sleep in overall health but also aligns perfectly with our mission to foster a healthier, more informed society.

We have also been a longstanding media partner of the Sleep Health Foundation in Australia.

Adequate sleep is foundational to mental clarity, emotional resilience, and physical vitality. It plays a crucial role in managing stress, enhancing memory, and reducing the risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. As a World Sleep Day Delegate, Vigour.Media embraces the responsibility of advocating for sleep's integral position alongside mental health, diet and exercise in the wellness conversation.

Vigour.Media's dedication to promoting the benefits of quality sleep will be evident across all our platforms. Each edition of our digital health and wellbeing magazine features a dedicated article on sleep, exploring the latest research, offering expert advice, and providing practical tips to help our readers achieve restorative rest. We also boast a dedicated Sleep pillar on our App and Wellness Portal platforms.

Chris Rabba